We at Diversita understand how lonely it can feel when searching for a new role.
It can be difficult and overwhelming, especially for neurodivergent (ND) individuals. To combat this Diversita now offers a 8 week individual support program designed to give tailored advice and keep you on track.
What the support offers can be seen below:
The creation of a CV or a revised CV
Self advocacy - discussing strengths and adjustments
Identifying neuro-inclusive organisations and contacts
Assistance with applications
Mock interviews and interview preparation/tips
One-on-one assistance to keep you on track through ‘body-doubling’ and tailored advice
And much more….
Despite this being a paid service we never want to financially disadvantage our candidates, and often government and organisation support will pay for the service as we help you navigate funding.
As always, the ultimate aim is to create job opportunities for our candidates; however, we cannot guarantee this always be the outcome.
To learn more click the link below:
Or alternatively, to contact us and book in a call, please fill out the form here: https://www.diversita.co.uk/candidate-contact-page